Radan military cemetery (1914) in Bellefontaine

Radan military cemetery (1914) in Bellefontaine


This cemetery was built by the Germans in 1917. It gathers 527 French soldiers and 298 German soldiers, victims of the fierce battles of Bellefontaine on the 22nd of August 1914. Erected by the Germans in May 1917, this cemetery holds 527 French and 298 German soldiers fallen in the fierce combat in Bellefontaine on 22 August 1914.On that day, the 120th infantry regiment (3,400 men), 19th cavalry regiment (750 riders) and 42nd artillery regiment (36 cannons) of the 4th French army fought a ferocious battle in the village of Bellefontaine against the 10th grenadier regiment (3,400 men), 11th cavalry regiment and 6th artillery regiment (42 cannons) of the 5th German army commanded by the Crown Prince. The French were victorious but this turned out to be insignificant due to the tragic defeat of the colonial corps on the same day in Rossignol.


  • 6730 Bellefontaine (Tintigny)
    49.6658 5.49704 11